Software Development Bootcamp For Secondary School Students
Exclusive and Optimized curriculum for effective students learning focused on making the students professional software developer in 14 months.
Here is a detailed course outline for the Software Development Bootcamp for Secondary School Students at Creative Digita Academy:
Module 1:
Introduction to Front-End Development
- Definition of Front-End Development
- Overview of the Front-End Development Landscape
- Introduction to HTML, CSS and JavaScript
- Setting up a development environment
Module 2:
HTML (HyperText Markup Language)
- Introduction to HTML
- Basic HTML structure and syntax
- HTML Elements and Attributes
- HTML forms and inputs
- HTML tables and lists
- Semantic HTML elements
Module 3:
CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)
- Introduction to CSS
- CSS styling text, backgrounds and borders
- CSS units of measurement
- CSS Selectors and Styles
- CSS box model
- CSS layout and positioning
- CSS responsive design
- CSS preprocessors (tailwind)
Module 4:
JavaScript Fundamentals
- Introduction to JavaScript
- Variables, Data Types, and Operators
- Control Structures (e.g. if-else, loops)
- Functions and closures
- Arrays and Objects
- Working With JSON (JavaScript Object Notation)
- DOM (Document Object Model) manipulation
- Event handling
- AJAX and fetch API
- Object Oriented Programming (OOP)
Module 5:
Front-End Frameworks (focus on REACT)
- Introduction to Front-End Frameworks
- Overview of Popular Front-End Frameworks (e.g. React, Angular, Vue)
- Comparison of Front-End Frameworks
- Choosing the Right Framework for a Project
- React - Introduction
- React Components, JSX, Props, Rendering, Events, State.
- Interacting With API
- React Hooks (useState, useEffect, useReducer, useRef)
- Connected To Backend
Module 6:
Web Page Layout Design
- Introduction to web page design
- Design Principles and Best Practices
- Sources of design inspirations
- Creating Wireframes and Prototypes
Module 7:
Project-Based Learning
- Building a Responsive Website
- Integrating JavaScript for Dynamic Functionality
- Implementing Modern Design Principles
- Building and deploying the complete application
- Presenting the Final Projects to the Class
Module 8:
Conclusion and Career Opportunities
- Recap of Key Topics
- Career Opportunities in Front-End Development
- Future Trends in Front-End Development.
The course includes a combination of 5% lectures, 85% hands-on activities, and 10% assessments to ensure that participants have a solid understanding of the topics covered. This customized course lasts 14 months and is a value-packed training that will make the students industry-ready.